Monday, June 30, 2008

Wannamaker Car Show

Ok, here we go. The first installment of my blog or as my wife puts it time to be a blogger. Saturday, I went to the Wannamaker Street fair and Car show. It was a chance to take picture just for fun. The photography group that I'm a part of had a get together at the Car show. It was more of a say "Hi" type event...meaning that we met said "Hi" then went our separate ways. I really have been uninspired as of late and was hoping that this photo op would be a proverbial kick in the a$$ I needed.

Well, it worked. I just didn't get to shoot as much as I wanted. Damm, rain. It really wasn't that bad but I was having a case of camera envy. I guess it is the photographers equivilent to Penis envy. I have a Sony H9 and I feel like it limits what I can do. Walking around the Car show all I saw was people with true DSLR's and there is just so much more that can be done with those.

I have wrote and rewrote this 4, I'm really not a writer, so here are some of the pictures I took.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ladies and Gentleman...

Start your engines. Well, here goes nothing. I think I will preference this blog with the fact that I am not a writer by any sense of the word. I have wanted to write this blog for a while now but it took this long to get up the nerve.

This is going to trace what I'm doing when it comes to photography or my life in general. Photography is to be the main focus but i can't say that I'm never going to put my life on here.

A little over a year ago I was downtown in Indianapolis with my lovely wife while she got her hair done. I was a little bored and went out to the car. I do not know why but we had a little 5.0 megapixel camera in the car. Something clicked and I decided that I was going to kill some time by taking pictures around the city.

These are some of the pictures I took that day or as I call it....the bite from the photography bug!

I have linked these picture to my fickr page and there you will find all that I have been doing with photography up to this point and in the future as well. Please tell me if I should just stop blogging now or keep going.

Ryan Baxter Photography